Monday, September 30, 2019

Blood Money Essay

The ethical issue concerning the title of this paper Blood Money is that there is illegal kidney sales going on in the world and it has reached the USA. The most unethical procedure of all of this is that the kidneys are coming from incarcerated men in China. Without permission or disclosing to those on the death role in China, they are prepped beforehand and then they are shot and killed and immediately after their death they extract the kidney and the transplant occurs with the buyer or for whom it was intended for. Who can think this type of behavior is acceptable let alone ethical and morally right, unfortunately many do. Morally everyone is different, but when it comes down to all that are involved in this illegal business, from what it seems they have no morals. Their responsibility and the least they can do is let these human beings know the truth; let them know where their organs are going, let them decide. The person or groups with direct interest in this illegal activity have many moral failings, the simple fact that it is all about the money, they do not care if the prisoners deserved to die or not, all they want to do is make money. What many may think is not alarming to them; they do not care about the trauma they put the Chinese military through, because I am sure there was at least one that had morals. They had no respect for these human beings and no respect for their lives. The ideals in this operation are to make money and stay out of the spotlight, their obligations are to maintain a steady supply of kidneys, where do they conflict, and it is very simple. They need to keep convicting prisoners to the death sentence in order for them to execute them and get more kidneys, so they are convicting left and right, I am sure they are purposely doing this to keep up with the demand of illegal kidney sales. The only good outcome to all of this is that a lives are†¦

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Developments Leading to the Civil War, 1848-1861 Essay

By 1848, the slavery issue was already dividing the nation and various compromise suggestions had been put forth to no avail. The elections, however, avoided the topic and it won the presidency for Zachary Taylor. Finally, in September 1850 with what was to be known as the Compromise of 1850 finally won in the form of five laws. It was hoped that this would settle the slavery problem once and for all. However, especially controversial was the Fugitive Slave Act which â€Å"compelled northern citizens to catch runaway slaves† which they loathe to do. In 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published which brought the horror of slavery to the forefront. Then in 1854, the Kansas-Nebraska Bill was passed wherein they were to be organized as a territory with the slavery issue to be decided by popular sovereignty. It again opened great concern that slavery might extend to Kansas previously declared in the Missouri Compromise as a non-slave territory. An offshoot was the birth of the Republican Party dedicated to fight slavery. Also in 1854, the Democrats made moves to expand further south into Cuba using the Ossend Manifesto to pressure Spain to sell it and if successful, turn it into several slave states. In Kansas, there was chaos. Both pro- and anti-slavery scrambled to settle the area so they can take part in the territory’s vote on the slavery issue. For three years, there was much conflict and bloodshed. It became the â€Å"foretaste of civil war. † In the presidential election of 1856, Kansas was the chief issue. The Democratic candidate James Buchanan won. In 1857, the proslavery groups in Kansas set-up a convention and asked to be admitted as a state by and submitted the Lecompton Constitution to Congress. Buchanan endorsed it. However, Stephen Douglas fishing for the north’s support in his bid for the Senate fought for having it returned to Kansas and passed in a referendum. The people of turned it down. On March 6, 1857, the Supreme Court brought down its ruling on the Dred Scott case. Scott sued for his freedom on the grounds that he lived in both a free state and territory before retuning to Missouri. It was declared that he was a non-U. S. citizen, that he was his master’s personal property and according to the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution, Congress had no right to take way personal property without due process of the law. This last ruling in effect declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. This led to violent opposition. The series of debates between Lincoln and Douglas on the slavery issue also brought it forward to people’s awareness and widened the rift between the North and the South. In 1859, John Brown together with 22 men, an anti-slavery radical, attacked the federal arsenal hoping to provoke an uprising by the slaves. His trial gained more sympathy from the North for his cause but increased the paranoia of the South. For some time, Southern leaders had said that their states would not stay in the Union if an anti-slavery president was elected. Abraham Lincoln who opposed the extension of the slavery in the Territories won in 1860 by popular vote. South Carolina promptly seceded from the Union. In the next two months, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas also seceded. They soon organized the Confederate States of America. On February 4, 1861 they adopted a constitution and elected Jefferson Davis president. Meanwhile, the Federal forts in the South were being taken over by the Confederates including Fort Sumter. Major Robert Anderson was holding it down and asked for provisions from the Federal government. On April 10, Jefferson ordered General P. G. T. Buearegard to get the fort to surrender. Major Anderson refused and on April 12, the Confederates shelled Fort Sumter. The Civil War has begun. Two days later, Fort Sumter surrendered.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analysis of Metabolic Strategies Essay

There are many micronutrients (substances needed in small amounts) essential to healthy living. These micronutrients include the vitamins, minerals and amino acids. A healthy diet includes the proper ratio of macronutrients along with the essential quantities of micronutrients. What is their biochemical or metabolic function? Subdivision of the global network was often based on the biochemical function of the pathway (i. e. amino acid metabolism, nucleotide metabolism). As an example of a biochemical pathway, note the first four reactions of glycolysis as follows: (1) glucose + ATP –(hexokinase)? glucose-6-phosphate + ADP; (2) glucose-6-phosphate ? (phosphoglucose isomerase)? fructose 6-phosphate; (3) fructose 6-phosphate + ATP –(phosphofructose kinase)? Fructose 1,6-diphosphate + ADP; (4) fructose 1,6-diphosphate -(aldolase)? dihydroxyacetone phosphate + glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Metabolism to generate energy for biochemical functions is carried out by all cells. Some tissues, because of their specialized functions in the multi-cellular organism, have different metabolic strategies. Muscle and liver have particular roles in overall metabolism: the brain has specific needs. Describe, compare and contrast the metabolic strategies during periods of high metabolic activity of muscle, liver, brain, and the general body tissues and in the ‘fed’ (digesting a meal) and ‘unfed’ (no nutrients coming from digestive tact) states. Having highly directional reactions at start and finish of a pathway is good metabolic strategy. The hexokinase and phosphofructokinase steps drive substrates into the sequence; the pathway can continue even if substrates are significantly depleted. Pyruvate kinase clears intermediates out of the pathway. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are essential organic nutrients, essential molecular structures for life processes, that we cannot synthesize and must take in, in adequate amounts, as food. The following are the biological and metabolic functions of vitamins. Water soluble vitamin such as Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, which can be found in papaya, oranges, orange juice, kiwifruit, strawberries, cantaloupe, sweet red peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels, sprouts, green peppers, grapefruit, kale, and strawberries, is important in the synthesis of collagen, which is the main structural component of the skin as well as many other body tissues. Vitamin C also works as a powerful antioxidant, aids in the absorption of iron, is critical in fighting off infections, helps alleviate allergic reactions, and aids in wound healing. Another water soluble vitamin, Thiamin or Vitamin B1 can be found in lean pork, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, whole or enriched grain products, organ meats and nuts and legumes. It is the required coenzyme or helper molecule in the metabolism of carbohydrates for energy, and proper transmission of nerve signals. It is also necessary for normal muscle function, growth, digestion, DNA replication, and normal appetite. Riboflavin or Vitamin B2, which can be found in milk, yogurt, cocoa, cheeses, eggs, meat and green leafy vegetables, is necessary in the release of energy from carbohydrates, the activation of many vitamins, and the breakdown of fat. Also required for the normal growth and tissue repair are the synthesis of red blood cells, corticosteroids, and glycogen. Niacin or Vitamin B3, which can be found in tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, cereal grains, fortified cereals, seeds, legumes, peanut butter, is required by all cells and vital in the release of energy from food. It is also required for the synthesis of protein, fat, and genetic material. It is also required for proper metabolism and brain function. Panthothenic acid or Vitamin B5, which is widely distributed in foods, can be found in liver, peanuts, wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, egg yolk, legumes, whole grain cereals, mushrooms, broccoli, avocados, royal jelly from bees. It is critical in the synthesis and breakdown of many body compounds. It is necessary for the metabolism of food and normal immune function. Also plays a role in the synthesis of hormones, cholesterol, and neurotransmitters. Biotin is widely distributed and can be found in liver, soybeans, egg yolk, cereal, yeast, legumes, nuts. It is needed for proper energy metabolism (especially carbohydrates and protein) and growth. It is critical in the production of fatty acids, prostaglandins, antibodies, digestive enzymes, hormones, and cholesterol. It is also important in niacin metabolism. Folic acid is a synthetic form found in fortified cereals and supplements. It is also called Folate (natural form found in food). It can be found in brewer’s yeast, beans, spinach, wheat germ, asparagus, turnip greens, green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals. It is important in the metabolism of proteins and in the synthesis of new proteins. It is a necessary component in the production of red blood cells, necessary for normal cellular division and production of DNA. Folate also increases appetite and digestive acids. Research is also showing folate may reduce the risk for heart disease and certain cancers. Folate plays an important role in tissue growth and function and can significantly reduce the risk of neural tube defects (birth defects of the brain or spine). Vitamin B12 or cobalamin, which can be found in meat and meat products, poultry, fish, yogurt, fortified cereals, fortified soy-milk, tuna, shellfish, eggs and fortified tofu, is important in metabolism, essential for DNA synthesis, production of red blood cells, and proper nerve function. Inadequate absorption of the vitamin rather than inadequate dietary intake is responsible for more than 95% of the vitamin B12 deficiency seen in the US. A strict vegetarian diet can produce a deficiency, although clinical symptoms may not appear for up to 20-30 years. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, which can be found in potato, bananas, beans, walnuts, watermelon, meats, salmon and light meat of chicken, is needed for proper protein metabolism, the conversion of tryptophan to niacin, and the synthesis of fatty acids. It is Necessary for normal growth, proper brain and immune function, synthesis of red blood cells, and hormone regulation. Fat soluble vitamin like vitamin A or retinol (comes from animal sources like egg yolks, butter, whole milk products, liver and fish liver oils) or beta-carotene (precursor to Vitamin A, which comes from plant sources like pumpkin, spinach (boiled), butternut squash cantaloupe and dark leafy greens). It is a powerful antioxidant which helps the body fight free-radical damage and seems to provide some protection against cancer. It is essential for normal vision, reproduction, growth, immune function, healthy skin and mucous membranes, and normal bone growth and development. Vitamin D comes primarily in foods of animal origin like eggs, liver, butter, fatty fish, salmon with bones, fortified soy milk and fortified foods such as milk and margarine. Vitamin D can also be made by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. It is essential to maintain bone and teeth strength and integrity. It also aids in calcium absorption. Vitamin E comes from pant oils (such as sunflower and safflower oil), wheat germ, whole grains, unroasted almonds, sunflower seeds, Brazil nuts, mango, green leafy vegetables and broccoli. Vitamin E is well on its way to becoming a superhero in the antioxidant army. Due to its fat-soluble nature it can do its antioxidant work where most of the other antioxidants can’t go. Vitamin E is incorporated into cell membranes as well as guarding the the fat molecules in the bloodstream from free-radical damage. Studies have also shown that it is a potent stimulator of the immune system, helping protect the thymus gland and guarding white blood cells from damage. Vitamin E has also been shown to reduce levels of inflammatory prostaglandins, which can lead to a number of health problems. By keeping the body’s level of Vitamin E from dropping you will benefit from a decreased incidence of various cancers, decreased risk of heart disease and strokes, and free-radical protection. When incorporating exercise and physical activity into your daily life Vitamin E becomes even more important. As you exercise, your rate of respiration increases which leads to an increase in the production of free-radicals. This increase in free-radical production has been shown to play an important role in causing skeletal muscle damage and inflammation after strenuous exercise. Vitamin K, which comes primarily from plant foods, spinach, broccoli, kale, Brussels, sprouts, cabbage, lettuce, cereals, fruits, dairy products and meats. Bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract also provide a the body with vitamin K. It is essential for proper blood clotting and plays a role in normal bone calcification. For the minerals like calcium, sources are milk, milk products, calcium fortified, orange juice, part-skim ricotta cheese, yogurt, cocoa, sardines, clams, oysters, turnip greens, mustard greens, broccoli, legumes and dried fruit. It is essential for normal bone and tooth formation, overall growth, blood clotting, regulation of heart rate, and proper nerve transmission. Phosphorus may come from meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, milk products, nuts, legumes, cereals, grains, chocolate, lettuce and tomato. It is essential for a number of biochemical reactions in the body, especially energy production, metabolism of protein, carbohydrate and fat, and building protein. It also gives strength to bones and teeth, and plays a role in the regulation of acid-base balance, muscle contraction, kidney function, and proper nerve function. Magnesium, which comes from nuts and seeds, legumes, green vegetables, tofu, wheat germ, cereal grains, soybeans, chocolate, blackstrap molasses, corn, peas, carrots, seafood, brown rice, parsley, lima beans and spinach. It is essential in hundreds of biochemical reactions and a wide range of metabolic activities including the use of energy and the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and genetic material. It is also necessary for proper nerve transmission, contraction of muscle, and the conversion of Vitamin D to its active form. Spinach is essential in hundreds of biochemical reactions and a wide range of metabolic activities including the use of energy and the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and genetic material. It is also necessary for proper nerve transmission, contraction of muscle, and the conversion of Vitamin D to its active form. Sodium, which can be found in table salt, cured meat, cheese and bread, is necessary for the regulation of water balance within the body, the passage of substances in and out of each cell, and the maintenance of a normal body pH. Also plays a role in the generation of normal electrical nerve signals, muscle contraction, and the regulation of blood pressure. Potassium is an essential part of every cell in the body and required for normal growth. It is also involved in the release of energy from food, the synthesis of protein, regulation of water balance in the body, proper nerve and muscle function, and regulation of blood pressure. Chloride can be found in table salt, seafood, tomatoes, rye and olives. It helps maintain water balance and acid-base balance in the body. Iron, which can be found in meat (provides iron in the non-heme form which is the easiest for the body to absorb), blackstrap molasses, clams, oysters, tofu, legumes, nuts and seeds, red meats, dark green leafy vegetables (Vegetables provide iron in the non-heme form, which is harder for the body to absorb. Consuming vitamin C with iron rich foods will help increase absorption), soybeans, pumpkin seeds, dried fruits, enriched and/or whole-grain, breads and cereals, is critical in making new red blood cells, immune defense cells, white blood cells, and normal brain function. Zinc, which can be found in oysters, wheat germ, beef, liver, dark meat of turkey and, chicken, peanuts, whole grains, miso, legumes, sunflower seeds, blackstrap molasses, green peas, spinach, broccoli. It is essential for proper growth of skin, hair, and nails, healing wounds, and a healthy immune system. It is necessary in many chemical reactions and for a normal sense of taste and smell. It also functions as a detoxifier of the body and plays a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Copper, which can be found in liver, shellfish, whole grains, mushrooms, cherries, legumes, cocoa, nuts, eggs, muscle meats, fish and poultry, is a critical component of the outer coating of nerve fibers, collagen, and used in the production of skin pigments. Also works with iron to make healthy red blood cells. Seleniem, which can be found in grains, seeds, potatoes, meat, poultry, fish, garlic, brewer’s yeast and wheat germ, is important antioxidant that works with vitamin E to protect the body from free-radical damage. It is also associated with fat metabolism, a healthy immune system, and important to male fertility. Chromium, which can be found in wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, peas , chicken, corn oil mushrooms, prunes, nuts, asparagus, organ meats and whole-grain bread and cereals, is necessary for blood sugar regulation and metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Iodine, which comes from iodized salt, saltwater seafood, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, eggs, beef liver, peanuts, spinach, pumpkin, broccoli, chocolate and kelp, is needed for proper thyroid gland operation and normal metabolism of cells. Manganese which comes from wheat bran, legumes, nuts, lettuce, leafy green vegetables, blueberries, pineapple, seafood, poultry, meat and tea, is needed for normal utilization of several other vitamins, and a variety of other biochemical roles in the body. It also aids in proper fat metabolism, skeletal and connective tissues, production of energy, making cholesterol and DNA, proper brain function, and processing blood sugar. Molybdenum, which can be found in milk and milk products, soybeans, lentils, pasta, buckwheat, oats, rice, wheat germ and sunflower seeds, is important in many biochemical reactions, aids in the metabolism of iron, helps prevent gout by removing uric acid from the body, and helps the body burn fat. It is also part of healthy bones, teeth, kidney, and liver, and helps the body use its iron reserves. and helps the body use its iron reserves. Flouride, which comes from mackerel, sardines, salt pork, salmon, shrimp, meat, sunflower seeds, kale, potatoes, watercress, honey, wheat and tea, reduces dental caries and may minimize bone loss by helping the body retain calcium. Nickel, which can be found in nuts, legumes, shellfish, cocoa products, green beans, spinach, rice and tea, is important in many biochemical reactions, and thought to play a role in the metabolism of fats and blood sugar regulation. Silicon, which can be found in whole grains, root vegetables and unrefined cereal products, is needed for healthy body tissues. Vanadium can be found in shellfish, spinach, parsley, mushrooms, whole grains, dill seeds, black pepper, parsley, soy, corn and olives. Research has not documented exactly what vanadium does for the body. It is likely that it plays a role in energy production, biochemical reactions, blood sugar and fat metabolism, and bone and teeth strength. Most foods contain less than 0. 3ug/g arsenic. Seafood is the richest source of arsenic. Arsenic has precise function in the body is still unknown, but it is likely that it plays a role in the metabolism of phospholipids. Boron, which can be found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts is required for normal bone integrity. Amino acids are the principal building blocks of proteins and enzymes. They are incorporated into proteins by transfer RNA according to the genetic code while messenger RNA is being decoded by ribosomes. During and after the final assembly of a protein, the amino acid content dictates the spatial and biochemical properties of the protein or enzyme. The amino acid backbone determines the primary sequence of a protein, but it is the nature of the side chains that determine the protein’s properties. Amino acid side chains can be polar, non-polar, or practically neutral. Polar side chains tend to be present on the surface of a protein where they can interact with the aqueous environment found in cells. On the other hand, non-polar amino acids tend to reside within the center of the protein where they can interact with similar non-polar neighbors. This can create a hydrophobic region within an enzyme where chemical reactions can be conducted in a non-polar atmosphere. Likewise, enzymes can also have polar amino acid substituents within the active site that provide a polar region in which to conduct biochemical synthesis. In addition to their role in protein and enzyme synthesis, amino acids are actively involved in a broad range of functions in the body. For instance, the organic substances help form cells, heal damaged tissues, and produce antibodies. These antibodies are important to the body’s efforts to ward off potentially harmful invasions of viruses and bacteria (Weigel and Seitz, 2006). Also active as metabolic intermediates, amino acids are capable of transporting oxygen through the body and play a part in muscular function. Several of the amino acids, such as the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that is found in the central nervous system, but not in proteins, carry out very specific roles in the body. Other examples of such amino acids include carnitine, which is concerned in fatty acid transport within a cell, as well as ornithine and citrulline, both of which are key components in the body’s urea cycle. Essential amino acids are generally contained in the greatest quantities in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and other animal products. They are also, found, however in grains, legumes, and similar vegetable sources of protein, though one or more essential amino acids may be missing from such foods. For this reason, vegetarians are generally urged to carefully consume a wide range of foods in order that they regularly obtain the complete array of essential amino acids, since different plants lack different types of the important compounds. Nevertheless, amino acid deficiencies are extremely rare in the United States, since Americans commonly consume twice as much protein as is considered necessary each day. Moreover, for athletes or other individuals who need greater amounts of amino acids than most people, supplements are widely available. Some amino acids are even prescribed as a form of medical treatment. Lysine, for example, is utilized to suppress the herpes virus and phenylalanine gains use in some pain and depression therapies. Nevertheless, over-consumption of amino acids can be hazardous, since the compounds can be toxic in excessive quantities. Eukaryotes, such as ourselves, are characterized by membrane bound internal compartments or organelles (Mergaert, et al. , 2006). These compartments allow cells to (a) conserve resources by producing proteins at the appropriate concentration only in these organelles, (b) separate functional areas that might interfere with each other, e. g. , lysosomes, ER and nucleus, and (c) manage reactions in biochemical pathways. Aspects of the carbohydrate, amino acid and fatty acid metabolic processes we have considered have steps that occur in the cytoplasm and the mitochondrion or other cellular organelles (Embley and Martin, 2006). In here, a multi-step reaction within a cell is catalyzed by enzymes. Almost every reaction that occurs within an organism (which is to that organism’s benefit) occurs along a biochemical pathway and is catalyzed one or a series of enzymes. Biochemical pathways are discussed fully by Stryer (1987) â€Å"Biochemical pathways are the organizational units of metabolism, the pathways that energy and materials follow in the cell. † A biochemical pathway may be anabolic, catabolic, or both. An anabolic biochemical pathway may be referred to as a biosynthetic pathway. An example of a catabolic bioochemical pathway is transduction of the chemical energy found in foods into a usable form (digestion, glycolysis, cellular respiration). The biochemical pathways are glycolysis, citric acid cycle, electron transport system, lipid metabolism and amino acid metabolism. These different parts of the processes is performed in different cellular compartments. Citric Acid Cycle occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria. All the reactions of the citric acid cycle take place in the mitochondrial matrix with the exception of succinic dehydrogenase, which is part of Complex II of the inner membrane. It is important not to regard FADH2 as the product of this reaction, which is still often done. FAD is the first, but only a transient, carrier of electrons from succinate to ubiquinone. Indeed the official name of the enzyme is succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone). The mitochondrion is often regarded as the powerhouse of the cell, and this designation becomes much more meaningful if we remember that a flow of electrons is an electric current, and NADH and succinate provide the fuel for an electricity generator. The pathway is often called the electron transport chain, but its function is to create a flow of electrons (shown in Fig. 1 as heavy red arrows) to provide the energy needed to translocate protons from the mitochondrial matrix to the inter-membrane space (Nicholson, 2002). The Electron Transport System occurs in the inner membrane of the mitochondria. Mitochondria function during aerobic respiration to produce ATP through oxidative phosphorylation. The respiratory enzymes and electron carriers for the electron transport system are located within the inner mitochondria membrane. The enzymes for the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) are located in the matrix. Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol of the cytoplasm. In eukaryotes, glycolysis takes place within the cytosol of the cell. Some of the glycolytic reactions are conserved in the Calvin cycle that functions inside the chloroplast. This is consistent with the fact that glycolysis is highly conserved in evolution, being common to nearly all living organisms. This suggests great antiquity; it may have originated with the first prokaryotes, 3. 5 billion years ago or more. Metabolism to generate energy for biochemical functions is carried out by all cells. Some tissues, because of their specialized functions in the multi-cellular organism, have different metabolic strategies. Muscle and liver have particular roles in overall metabolism: the brain has specific needs. Describe, compare and contrast the metabolic strategies during periods of high metabolic activity of muscle, liver, brain, and the general body tissues and in the ‘fed’ (digesting a meal) and ‘unfed’ (no nutrients coming from digestive tact) states. Absorptive state is the period during which ingested nutrients enter blood and some of these nutrients supply the energy need of the body while the remainder is stored. Post-absorptive state is the period during which the GI tract is empty of nutrients and body stores must supply required energy. In the absorptive state, carbohydrates and proteins are absorbed primarily as monosaccharides and amino acids, respectively, into the blood while fat is absorbed as triacylglycerols into the lymph. During this state, glucose is the major energy source and some of it is converted to glycogen and stored in skeletal muscle and liver. In adipose tissue, glucose is transformed and stored as fat. Fatty acids of plasma chylomicrons are released within adipose tissue capillaries and form triacylglycerols. Most amino acids enter cells and are used to synthesize proteins and any excess amino acids are converted to carbohydrate or fat. On the other hand, in the postabsorptive state, the net synthesis of glycogen, fat, and protein ceases, and net catabolism of these substances begins. Plasma glucose level is maintained by Glycogenolysis, which is the hydrolysis of glycogen stores in liver, adipose tissues, brain, muscles, skeletal muscles, etc. ; Lipolysis, catabolism of triacylglycerols into glycerol and fatty acids in adipose tissues wherein any glycerol reaching the liver is converted to glucose; and protein is catabolized to glucose. References: Embley, T. M. , & Martin, W. (2006). Eukaryotic evolution, changes and challenges. Nature, 440(7084), 623-630. Mergaert, P. , Uchiumi, T. , Alunni, B. , Evanno, G. , Cheron, A. , Catrice, O. , et al. (2006). Eukaryotic control on bacterial cell cycle and differentiation in the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 103(13), 5230-5235. Nicholson, D. 2002. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 3-5. The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Stryer, Lubert (1987). Biochemistry. W. H. Freeman. Weigel, C. , & Seitz, H. (2006). Bacteriophage replication modules. FEMS Microbiol Rev, 30(3), 321-381.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Genocide in Rwanda and Bosnia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Genocide in Rwanda and Bosnia - Term Paper Example An absolutely preplanned and controlled attempt at systematically destroying a politically or ethnically defined group is known as genocide. Political leaders do signal out their intention at carrying out genocide against a certain group, and this is clear through the kinds of speeches they give or the actions they perform; they do reveal their want of nationalism. Mass murder, destruction, and forced expulsion; all these reveal the intention of the leader to carry out genocide against the targeted people. The legacy of genocide is very much visible in the stories that the survivors relate of their experiences and besides that the destroyed lands along with the incomplete response from the international community together account for it. Following the genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) made prosecution of war criminals legally permissible. Besides there being lawful arguments regarding the issue of genocide which are concerned basically with jurisdiction, precedent and punishment for war crimes, the UN members have recognized that their basic goal of preserving international peace and stability is harmed by such mass atrocities as genocides. A resolution was passed in the February of 1993 which called for the formation of a global tribunal that would punish the ones who hold the responsibility of â€Å"serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991† (Resolution 808, paragraph 1). ... The Role of UN Following the genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) made prosecution of war criminals legally permissible. Besides there being lawful arguments regarding the issue of genocide which are concerned basically with jurisdiction, precedent and punishment for war crimes, the UN members have recognized that their basic goal of preserving international peace and stability is harmed by such mass atrocities as genocides. A resolution was passed in the February of 1993 which called for the formation of a global tribunal that would punish the ones who hold the responsibility of â€Å"serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991† (Resolution 808, paragraph 1). Following this resolution were passed certain other acts that determined the injustice being done. In 1992 there were certain acts passed for the condemnation of such extensive violations of basic human rights whi ch include, but are not limited to, mass murders, rapes, forced expulsions, property destruction, arbitrary arrests, and ethnic cleansing – basically, the organized terrorism that provokes certain groups to forcibly leave their area and migrate somewhere else that may be safer for them. A Chapter VII decision helped in the formation of the International Criminal Tribunal by the UNSC. This was formed for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Through this the UN was allowed to intrude over the sovereignty rights that were present for the protection of regional safety. Resolution 955 was passed by the UNSC in November 1994 which led to the establishment of the international Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Confucious and the golden rule, East meets west Coursework

Confucious and the golden rule, East meets west - Coursework Example From the Chinese philosopher’s perspective, a person who does not want to be hurt should not hurt others. On the other hand, Jesus implies that if you do not want to be harmed, do good to others because if you are good, then other people will give you back the same treatment. As an individual, I live by the same rule of Jesus because I strongly agree that people should be active participants in their community in making it a peaceful and harmonious place to live in. I recognize the view of Confucius that people should not do to others what they do not want others do to them. However, I am more inclined to strongly concur with Jesus’ point of view because it is not only stated positively but it also encourages an active participation of a person. I firmly believe that we need to stay away from doing dreadful things as Confucius interjects but in order to minimize if not eliminate awful situations, we have to actively do excellent things. According to Tao, the best man benefits all things just like water does. Where there is water, life abounds and the same is true with the best man. Tao says that the best man is selfless, able to benefit the people around him and does not compete with them. Instead, he is able to see identify a need and does something to meet the need without thinking about what he should gain from it or what he is going to lose if he needs to spend a lot of time and money in accomplishing the task. The best man, despite his commendable attributes will remain humble and simply continues to exist influence his community in a positive manner. Humility is that place which Tao says the water goes to which all disdain. Indeed, through the different centuries, only a handful strove to do good and still remain quiet about what they did. Most people set their goals high and do mighty works and above all their achievements, they want to be recognized and exalted. Nevertheless, the best man takes a different route. He gives

Human Trafficing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Human Trafficing - Research Paper Example As defined by the United Nations (2000), human trafficking ultimately entails the exploitation of the less fortunate by means of deceit, force or intimidation. Many cases have been reported of poor people, most frequently from developing countries, who are invited to apply for work abroad - only for the work in question to be something less than legal, such as prostitution or some other form of involuntary servitude. Regardless of the form it takes, though, the evil of such a practice cannot be denied. The most frequent victims of human trafficking tend to come from developing countries. This can be explained at least in part by the lucrative nature of the human trafficking industry, in spite - or perhaps because of - its illegality. Even 8 years ago, the estimated total annual revenue of the industry reached as high as $9 billion (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 2004). Today, it has been singled out as the single fastest growing criminal industry in the world, and is second only to the drug trade in terms of profitability (Haken, 2011). And while the nature of the problem of human trafficking might lead one to assume that only the developing countries are victims, the fact of the matter is that things are not so simple. For a start, while it is true that people from developing countries tend to be the ones most frequently victimized by human traffickers, a report by the UN (2008) told of 25 million human trafficking victims from 127 different countries. Such statistics actually do make sense in context, the year in question coinciding with the peak of the economic recession that swept through the world. Given the precarious situation of the economies of these 127 countries, it can be assumed that their citizens sought greener pastures abroad, only for things to end up going wrong in the worst possible way. Needless to say, not even citizens belonging to a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Honest Communication And Regulation Of Global Business Essay

Honest Communication And Regulation Of Global Business - Essay Example By its very nature, communication within a global context involves a vast range of activities, which must add up to determine the success levels or nature of challenges to be encountered in the course of doing business (Adekola & Sergi, 2007). Communication entails a thorough knowledge of the competitors, the interests of the clientele, cultural dynamics, market forces and other issues that relate to the efficiency of the business. Communication promotes the adoption of flexible strategies that are responsive to the unique situations and realities to be encountered at the market place. It involves an awareness of the macro-economic and micro-economic factors that impact on the core objectives of the business. The success levels of communication are influenced by the ability of the company to make accurate assessments and predictions of conditions on the global market. Wrong assumptions can lead to the development of poor strategies, which could cause major losses in profits and stabi lity of the company. It is important for global companies to seek for sufficient insights and resourceful information about the markets in order for them to manipulate the complex and diverse connections of the factors that determine the success levels of global businesses. ... Some of the reasons attributed to the success of Walmart in Mexico include awareness an awareness of the shopping culture of the country. Generally, Mexicans have a peculiar shopping culture that small packages and fresh products. On the other hand, regulation of global business basically involves the development of the most appropriate strategies that are consistent with the goals and objectives of the global companies. The art and science of regulating a global business is complex in the sense that it involves a balance between the internal objectives of the company and the unpredictable operating environment of global commerce. Regulation must necessarily involve the awareness of the variations in the nature of controls, restrictions, policy matters, legal restrictions, and other variables that apply within a global context. Some landmark cases of failure of renowned companies on the global market have been associated with limitations in the judgment of the management with regard to the most appropriate approaches. Inward looking strategies often incur challenges of cultural mismatch as the strategies fail to apply appropriately to particular situations. On the other hand, some of the notable successes on the global markets have been related to the ability of the companies to develop strategies that are responsive to the unique and varying demands of the markets. Markets do not bear similar characteristics. The preferences and trends on the western markets may exhibit significant variations with those in Asia. Cultural factors and other aspects of social realities determine these differences. By implication the marketing strategies and the nature of products designed for the western markets may have to be redesigned in order to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ethical dilemma Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical dilemma - Assignment Example However, the beliefs of the patients obstructed appropriate nursing procedures to be conducted. Deontology theory forms the best approach to guide in the decision making, in such an ethical dilemma. As a health caregiver must always subscribe to the rule, â€Å"Always try to save life.† Applying a pure rule of deontological approach, the ethical decision would be in favor of carrying out the blood transfusion. In addition, using such an approach, there is little attention to the contextual details or social aspects of the situation because the decision making is grounded in ethical rules (Jones & Beck, 1996). Using a pure deontological approach, whether rule or act, confines the focus for decision making to the immediate situation. This is to imply that the consequences, situational and contextual details, and the social and interactional aspects are not the primary focus. This theory focuses on the ethics of the actions (Butts & Rich, 2008). This theory pays attention to the patient’s rights, goals and autonomy. As described by Noureddine (2001), this approach is based on four key principles that include autonomy, or the personal liberty to act; nonmaleï ¬ cence that is doing no harm; beneficence, or the requirement of action to improve the welfare of others; and justice, which directs action to treat people justly and distribute resources

Monday, September 23, 2019

Why should anyone be led by me Personal Statement

Why should anyone be led by me - Personal Statement Example It focuses on my traits and competencies as a leader. In essence it answers the fundamental question why anyone should be led by me. Why Should Anyone Be Led By Me? If there is one thing that I can claim having very good knowledge of, it is me. I have often heard that the ultimate end of education is ‘self-discovery’ (19). In my own case, thankfully, I think it happened to a substantial degree and I presume that is what gives me the aptitude for leadership. Besides my parents and teachers, several of my friends and a number of books that I read allowed me a lot of reflection and introspection as to what I was and what I ought to be. Thus they have been of immense help in taking a close look at my values, strengths, weaknesses, talents, relationships, passions and interests. In short they let me find my voice. At the same time, I am aware that the discovery is an ongoing process and the description in the current document is a portrait of what I am at the moment. In my ex perience as a manager, I made a conscious effort not to be overcome by frustration or disappointment at the end of an unsuccessful business encounter or presentation (31). I saw them rather as learning experiences and indicators of the dots that I missed. I was careful not to let my command be confined just to my area of specialization. I was prepared to go that extra mile to gain knowledge of other departments to the extent they would be needed so that my business acumen would become complete and credible. It also helped me to answer with conviction any questions regarding the business decisions that I had made. I constantly reminded myself that gaining access to the C suite in itself did not mean anything and there would a long way to go beyond that. A very useful tip given by my first boss was to think afresh always. I must say I took it to its letter and spirit. Before that, I remember having done the mistake of applying ‘one of the old solutions’ to a new problem t hat appeared to resemble an old problem. My first boss’s suggestion meant that each solution was bound to be as unique as the problem itself. Over the years, I have cultivated the practice of contemplating multiple options and applying mind-map sketches whenever I had to mull over one. It meant a little more labor to focus on the most significant parts of the data and then to identify the patterns. But then, it saved me from the unpleasant task of resorting to self-deception or depending on false reasoning and rationalization (180). Not that this method was entirely without risk, but it stood the best chance for success for the simple reason that the approach was as honest as it could be. I am glad I made mistakes. They gave me the chance to act in time and strengthen myself as a leader. On one occasion, when I was in high spirits following excellent pay off on one of the project ideas that clicked, it was actually one of my subordinates, a young man, who warned me, subtly th ough, not to be carried away by short-term success but to be prepared for future scenarios and contingencies. It took me some time to appreciate precisely what he meant. When I got the essence, I have begun to force myself and my team to stay away from the comfort zone and look at each project from an R & D perspective. It was one of the first lessons but one of the finest too. The first few months of my career caused me insomnia literally because too many deadlines seemed to accumulate at a time leading to stress (143). After a couple of experiences of sophisticated reproach by my superiors, I figured out how the daily grind affected my priorities and important and urgent tasks would inadvertently get overlooked. I realized that I was dwelling mostly with the tasks that I inherently liked and in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Price of Greatness Is Responsibility Essay Example for Free

The Price of Greatness Is Responsibility Essay In his first few days in office, President Barack Obama issued executive orders and presidential memoranda directing the U. S. military to develop plans to withdraw troops from Iraq, while he could have let the US military continue devastating that part of the world on the basis of false allegations made by the previous senator. Our public figures are not only well known, but admired and loved. However, with their fame and greatness come great expectations from us, the public. Under their seemingly exotic outer shell and fame, they are simply ordinary people like the common man on the street. Even in literature, public figures are faces with expectations of being perfect. For example, in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch is a well-known local lawyer. He has an overall good reputation, and he is a very learned man; however, one day, he chooses to defend a black man in a case against a white man. The black man is convicted of raping the white mans daughter, and even though all charges are faced towards the white man lying, the black man is proven guilty. Atticus Finch receives a lot of hatred for his decision to face someone who is unlike him, and his children also hear a lot from the citizens of their town. The citizens of his town always thought of him as someone who they could look up to, but when he defies their initial trust with something that they could not even imagine, they start degrading him. In this way, the public expects a lot from their public figures, because they inspire it to lead others in the same way. Winston Churchill once said â€Å"If the people of the United States had continued in a mediocre station, struggling with the wilderness, absorbed in their own affairs, and a factor of no consequence in the movement of the world, they might have remained forgotten and undisturbed beyond their protecting oceans: but one cannot rise to be in many ways the leading community in the civilized world without being involved in its problems, without being convulsed by its agonies and inspired by its causes. † It is also evident that public figures are faced with many expectations in everyday life. For instance, the current American president, Barack Obama. It is already extremely difficult to actually be president, but Obama is, arguably, president during one of the hardest times in history. He has been ruling us through a difficult recession, capture of a very dangerous terrorist, and just hard times in general. However, even though he is most likely trying his hardest in order to be a successful president, he has to always be careful because even a minor slip-up can cause citizens to stop believing in him as a success.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Waste Management Practices Of Mcdonalds Environmental Sciences Essay

Waste Management Practices Of Mcdonalds Environmental Sciences Essay McDonalds is one of the largest and most well known global fast food restaurants. Ray Kroc is the founder of the company in the year 1955. The company has been operating for 55 years and has 32000 restaurants chain in more than 117 countries. More than 75% of McDonalds worldwide outlets are operated by franchisees or affiliates (Our Company 2010). There are 1.5 million employees worldwide working to serve 50 million worldwide customers each day (McDonalds Restaurants Ltd, 2006). Over the many years, millions of people have patronage McDonalds because it is a trusted name with proven service. In returning that loyalty, McDonalds have an obligation to give back to the community (SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, 2010). McDonalds supports Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC), animal welfare, food safety and environment (SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, 2010). This essay shall examine how McDonalds has performed in the relation to the environment particularly waste management practices. The public of the current age are concerned about the amount of packaging and food waste produced by McDonalds restaurants (Better Packaging with McDonalds, 2009). A survey conducted by Keep Britain Tidy that about 29% of the litter waste on the Britain Street was come from the McDonalds restaurant (Gray, L 2009). Therefore, one of the best solutions taken by McDonalds is manage the waste through waste management practices, which is involving in reduction, reuse, recycling and disposal (Better Packaging with McDonalds, 2009). As one of the largest fast food restaurants worldwide, McDonalds has become an environment leader. Hence, McDonalds is determined to analyze every aspect of their business on their impact on the environment and according to the analysis and seek effective ways to enhance the environment. McDonalds is hoping to survive and stay in a cle an environment where the air, water and the earth are clean and as well build an environment sound world to the future generation (). McDonalds has done a variety of different as compared to the past and current performance. In the past, McDonalds used the polystyrene foam as packaging food. Many environmentalists dislike polystyrene foam because the production of foam will release out the chlorofluorocarbon, which can damage the atmosphere. The foam also to take long time to break down, if at all, in landfills, which is where most of it winds up because there are relatively few recycling centers ( ). Besides, McDonalds was required 46 grams of packaging in average meal- a Big Mac, fries and a shake in year 1970 (Case A: McDonalds Environmental Strategy, 1995). In addition, there was no industrial scale recycling before (Rose, 2009). Furthermore, McDonalds did not practice the exercise of converting the waste into energy. Nowadays, McDonalds has found many alternative ways to enhance the environment performance in term of the waste management practices. Firstly, McDonalds has replaced the polystyrene foam by the using paper based-wraps in order to reduce the waste volume in the waste management process (Better Packaging with McDonalds, 2009). The replacement is because of consumers demand and heeding counsel of environmental groups (Liddle, A 1990). McDonalds major markets, about 83% of the packaging used for food, beverages and other consumer purposes is made of some form of paper (McDonalds Worldwide Corporate Responsibility Report, 2006). Another is the reduced amount of material used in each item of packaging (our environment, 2008). Thirdly, McDonalds recycles packaging waste and recycles used cooking oil in waste management practices (Recycling in the restaurant Focusing on operational opportunities, 2010). Fourthly, proper disposal waste programs are been carried out to manage the food waste o nce the McDonalds cannot reduce, reuse and recycle the waste (our environment, 2008). Recent year, McDonald in UK has a trial tested out an alternative method of disposal, which by converting the food waste to energy (Managing the impacts of the leftovers, 2010). David  Fairhurst, senior vice president for McDonalds UK Northern Europe said that the converting waste to energy is encouraging that has already reduced the environmental impact in the area by 48% and significant step on achieving zero waste to landfill (Thomas, D 2009) Currently, McDonalds brings a lot impact upon the society and stakeholder. McDonalds replaces the foam to paper wraps, which make up 70% to 90% reduction in sandwich packaging volume (Better Packaging with McDonalds, 2009). Besides, McDonalds also reduce the amount of material used in the packaging, which indicate less raw material use and thus less solid waste produce (our environment, 2008). For example, in 2005, McDonalds redesigned the inside of North American fry boxes, which make up more than 1,100 tons packaging waste saved per year (McDonalds Worldwide Corporate Responsibility Report, 2006). Furthermore, McDonalds in Unite State has recycled over 17 tons of corrugate cardboard per year (Recycling in the restaurant Focusing on operational opportunities 2010). Corrugate cardboard represent around 30% of the total restaurant waste and as result of recycling, divert the amount of waste from landfills. McDonalds has an aim of achieving to recycle 100% of their corrugated cardboard (our environment, 2008). By the way, about 10% of the total restaurant wastes come from the used cooking oil and McDonalds has converted into biodiesel (our environment, 2008). McDonalds in United State has recycled approximately 13,000 pounds of used cooking oil per year. Currently, more than 80% of the used oil in Europe has transformed into biodiesel (Recycling in the restaurant Focusing on operational opportunities 2010). As a result, it is stopped the used cooking oil from send to landfills. (Please consolidate and present it in a more systematic way.) In addition, the trial of converting the waste to energy has been successfully reduction 54% percent of carbon emission as audited by the Carbon Trust (Brass, E 2009). The amount of waste save from landfill could be 65 tones if the restaurants continue implement this disposal. For the energy generate from the waste provide enough heat and electricity to the building (Managing the impacts of the leftovers, 2010). For instance, in UK the energy generate from the food waste, which able to power the 22 million light bulbs to community (Brass, E 2009). Now let focus on the advantages and disadvantages of McDonald practices in the waste management. The major advantage through the waste management practices is reduced the greenhouse gas emission. Methane especially one of the greenhouse gases which mostly generate by the landfills operation and bring harmful effects to the environment and human health. Therefore, the key factor success of lower down the gases emission is driven by the greater recycle wastes, increased amount of waste recovery and incineration combined with energy production (Improved waste management delivering climate benefits, 2008). Another advantage of the waste management practices is generated a livable environment to society (Waste Disposal Methods Advantages and Disadvantages n.d.). It is because people can exist and live in a comfort environment with free of waste. . (are there any scholarly proof to support this statement?) is to help to reduce the amount of waste. Through the waste management practices, Mc Donalds has send less waste to landfill and ultimately less waste occupy the landfill However, there are some disadvantages of the waste management practices. The major disadvantage is contaminated the environment (Waste Disposal Methods Advantages and Disadvantages n.d.). The utilities of papers as packaging especially are unfriendly to the environment in the waste management practice. It is because there will increase the environment impact in production of paper packaging item. An analysis conducted by the Franklin Associates, an independent environmental research firm that the production between polystyrene foam and paper toward the environment impact. The result show that the manufacturing of paper containers especially make up 46 percent more air pollution, 42 percent more water pollution and 75 percent more industrial waste than that of plastic. Made predominantly of air, paper requires 30 percent more energy to produce than foam (Eckhardt, A 1998). Therefore, the using of paper actually leads the pollution occur. Consequently, global warming especially occurs once the pollution getting severe and serious. Besides, the disadvantage of the waste management practices is influence the people health. The process of convert the waste to energy need go through the incineration, which may emit the harmful gases into the environment that hazardous to residents health, as the emission smoke is invisible and smelly. Undoubtedly, it brings the negative impact to s ociety (Krishna, G 2006). As conclusion, the waste management practices should be adopted to manage the waste in order to provide the healthy and clean environment to the society. The social performance of McDonalds in relation to the environment has tremendously contributed. Even though the elimination of waste from the fast food restaurants is impossible, some effective and efficiency of alternative methods should also seek in order to reduce and prevent the waste from being engulfed the earth. If the large fast food company like McDonalds does not control the waste produce from the restaurant and save the planet, people will surely perish themselves one day.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Kindergarten Idea In Architecture Construction Essay

The Kindergarten Idea In Architecture Construction Essay The kindergarten idea is considered to have initiated as early as the 17th century. The origins of the kindergarten idea define certain attitudes to pre-school education that are still widespread to this day. The early kindergarten idea, which related environmental needs to pedagogical needs, brought about a number of important architectural impulses, both in modernistic and organic forms. John Heinrick Pestalozzi founded the first child-centred institution at Yverdin 1805, based on what became essential kindergarten principles from which several pedagogies stemmed. Fredrick Froebel Philanthropist Robert Owen established a child care institution in New Lanark, Scotland. At the time children over six worked with their parents, therefore the institution only catered for children under six. Staffed by nurses it provided a pleasant atmosphere, although its pedagogical philosophy was unsophisticated. Throughout the 20th century one-off private kindergartens were established in Germany, Britain, Japan and North America. These were based primarily on the Fredrick Froebel philosophy. This philosophy originated from German philosophies in the 19th century. In Froebels hostilic philosophy, kindergartens are complimentary to home life, as appose to replacing it. The Froebel movement spreads to Britain in 1871 when the first kindergarten was built by Sir William Mather. This was followed by the establishment of a free kindergarten for children aged between 3 and 6. Many of these early Froebelian based kindergartens were based on the principles of kindergartens as an educational institution, lacking any architectural form or purpose. A key issue when selecting and appraising educational philosophies is how each system presents information in the development of children. In Froebels system children learn through play as appose to the learn, listen, recite method usually employed. Pedagogical drawing is an important factor. Drawing was seen by Froebel as a form of writing. The gifts and occupations His study of the natural sciences gave him an understanding of the connection of geometric forms to the natural environment such as plant forms and crystals. His work in crystallographic science is said to have persuaded this area of his teaching technique, while his training as an architect influenced the emphasis of precise and unchanging relationships between different things as the central concept of learning. The child plays with one or more geometric gifts to discover its properties and the possibilities for design. Once a standstill is reached the teacher invokes one or more of the categories to compel a new direction of play. In this way the child discovers the designs that are possible with the selected shapes. The occupations developed more intricate and complex skills such as forming shapes from moulding clay, and using sticks and rings laid out as letters as the first step towards writing. Rachael and Margaret MacMillian Some less pedagogical approaches crept in towards the end of the 19th century, as research began into child behaviours by theorists such as Granville Stanley Hall and John Dewey. As this was underway in the USA, closer to home Rachael and Margaret MacMillian began creating an educational philosophy of their own. In 1913, in London they founded an open-air nursery school, based on a more practical approach to child-care. Their approach was to concentrate on the basic needs of children with physical exercise and fresh air as the main priority. Rudolf Steiner The need for imagination, a sense of truth and a feeling of responsibility these are the three forces which are the very nerve of education. Rudolf Steiner was the founder of another educational pedagogy which is still in use today. His controversial thinking can be mainly attributed to some of the facts about his life and the resultant approach to the problem of education. Born in Croatia in 1861, Steiner began finished higher education and continued into further education with the intention of becoming a grammar-school teacher. He failed to complete this course, but went on to study philosophy under Johann van Goethe for several years. He then moved to Berlin and was attracted to the forward-thinking literary Bohemia, the workers movement and the reforming religious thinkers. Here he became leader of a spiritual renewal movement and founder of a philosophical community that was entirely focused on his own personality. In 1919, a defeated Germany brought about innovative thinking and the opportunity for Steiner to try out his ideas on education in a new school. On 7 September 1919, he ceremonially opened the first Free Waldorf School as a combined co-educational primary and secondary school for 256 children drawn mainly from the families of workers at the Waldorf-Astoria cigarette factory in Stuttgart (Germany). Steiners basic ideas on education were conceived in the period between 1906 and 1909 in a manner which to begin with had naturalistic overtones: Out of the essence of the developing individual, ideas on education will grow, as it were, of their own accord. However, in contrast to the path taken by Dewey and Montessori, who sought to establish their New Education on recent ideas of experimental child psychology, Steiner based his educational plan entirely on his cosmic spiritualistic anthropology according to NAME (yyyy), If we wish to detect the essence of the growing individual, we must set out from a consideration of the hidden nature of man as such. In Steiners educational philosophy the educational growth of the child is viewed as a process of rebirth. In a seven-year cycle from the head via the heart to the hands education takes the form of growth and metamorphosis. The educator is seen as the gardener of this growth. From a belief in reincarnation stems the image of education as an aid to incarnation and spiritual awakening. In this case the educator becomes a priest and a healer. With these educational forces, Steiner built the levers that are still being implemented by teachers and educators in his schools and kindergartens today. These educational philosophies can be broken down into three main ideas. First, the intellectual philosophy spread by Froebel, later associated with Naturphilosophy, whereby the childs educational and social development take precedence. The second is the more pragmatic approach created in Britains cities as a result of health concern for young children living in these overcrowded urban areas. This approach is based on circumstances in the past which are not as evident in todays society, namely forced child labour and severe overcrowding in cities. The third is the Steiner pedagogy. The practice of this system of education includes a broad spectrum of artistic and handicraft learning potentials, a caring attitude to children and many opportunities for conscious participation in community tasks. In my opinion Fredrick Froebels approach is far too important to be left to the unquestioning adepts of Rudolf Steiner. Part (ii) While researching the kindergarten as a building type, it was clear that many of the buildings do not live up to the needs of the children, i.e. the learning environment. According to KINDERGARTEN ARCHITECTURE (yyyy) kindergartens and nursery schools are often dealt with as add-on classes to existing primary school education facilities, particularly in Britain, with no real concern for the needs of the child. The importance of the building form and in turn the construction materials is vital to creating an atmosphere that supports the childrens activities, and consequently improving the learning outcomes. The building typology should seek to create an environment that encourages the learning process by addressing issues of emotional and physical well being amongst the children. This concept implies that success in learning at an early age can be linked to the environment created by the materials used and the architectural and structural form of the buildings i.e. a comfortable environment will facilitate the learning process. The kindergarten is the first place where children make acquaintances with new people and new surroundings, and where they become part of a new community. Therefore designing a kindergarten involves not only creating a protective environment for children, but also introducing them to a new space where communication and expression are given free reign. In designing kindergartens, the building form and materials must exploit geometry, colours and images intended to evoke associative meanings within the childs mind. Broadly speaking, in educational facilities in Britain, there are three construction methods used, with varying materials, used either alone or in combination with one another. These are framed construction, load-bearing wall construction and prefabricated construction. Framed construction use steel or concrete columns and beams to support walls and floors. Structural floors are generally reinforced concrete slabs or steel floor panels with concrete laid between them. This type of construction can provide maximum flexibility providing the spacing of the columns allows for the space required for teaching areas. Load bearing wall construction is where walls are designed to carry the load of any additional flooring and the roof. These walls are generally constructed of brick or concrete block. In order for large open plan spaces to exist in these structures additional beams or other load-bearing elements must be employed. Prefabricated construction does not segregate any material. Teaching spaces are fully or partly constructed off-site and brought on-site in a state almost ready for use. The following are a few examples of different kindergartens and there construction techniques. There is much more space allowed for in these modern kindergartens than in any traditional kindergarten buildings. Caesarea kindergarten (Reinforced concrete construction) In many cases building a kindergarten is a way of creating an imaginary world, a space where children receive physical and social exposure to the outside world beyond their home and family. It is in this context that many kindergarten building forms are based. An example of this is the Or-Akiva kindergarten in Miami. Images of the Grasshopper and the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz were used creating a unique atmosphere to encourage children to architecturally create starting points for their own stories/dreams. In the same way the Caesarea kindergarten in Israel uses a visually striking faà §ade of three elephants which relate to the archaeological site on which it is built, and the ancient Roman city known also as Caesarea. Images taken from the architects website (Knafo Klimor Architects) can be viewed to the right and below: The building is constructed of reinforced concrete. As with any RC structure, the material permits an especially flexible design, which has allowed the freedom to create this remarkable faà §ade. Kindergarten Sighartstein (Steel frame construction) The Kindergarten Sighartstein, Austria, is an example of the use of a contemporary steel frame structure. Designed by Kadawittfeldarchetektur, a German practice, this building makes use of metal cladding elements with the concept of kindergarten-in-motion. The images below taken from the Kadawittfeldarchetektur Architects website show the external faà §ade: The green metal elements are designed to replicate blades of grass, integrating the building into the surrounding area of green meadows and fields. The premise is to create a built playground. Internally the building is split into two horizontal layers. The steel structure affords large open plan central hall which can be seen in the image below: This is the mid-point of the building and it serves as the multifunctional interactions space a communicative core for both children and careers located at the intersection between functions. Large glazed sections and openings onto the courtyard create a valuable connection to the external surroundings. The flat roofed two-story cubic building optimally distributes the functions of a kindergarten. On the ground floor, one finds the space for the kindergarten groups, with the crà ¨che accommodated in the protected upper story. In the crà ¨che, an expandable third space has been made possible through a planned reallocation of the space. Eco-Kindergarten (Prefabricated construction) The Eco-Kindergarten was designed by C.F. Moller Architects in demark. The building is constructed from pre-fabricated wooden insulated wall segments, with large glazed facades providing daylighting and passive solar heating. A touch-screen at the entrance informs parents about the current energy-performance, and provides information from the pedagogues. It is a sustainable and well though through pedagogical design. The fundamental architectural concept is a simple and clear geometric form on two levels, with the childrens areas located in the best-lit southern end. The two levels are linked by staircases and ramps which are designed to stimulate and challenge the childrens sensory and motor skills. There is a pedagogical idea throughout the interior design. It is all based on the notion that children enjoy attractive and challenging environments in which to learn. An image of the main entrance is shown below: Another example is the small alcoves built into various parts of the building where children can enjoy their own spaces to play, read or just be alone. The materials used and the architectural form of the building creates a healthy safe environment for the children, including the reduction of the possible spread of influenza among both children and adults. The highly insulated construction will consume under 20% of the energy used in a standard building of this size and function. Kindergarten Barbapapa The Kindergarten Barbapapa by CCD Studio is an example of timber and steel combined in a building construction. The building makes use of vibrant colours throughout. Lucinahaven Toulov Childcare Another example of a kindergarten building form is the Lucinahaven Toulov childcare centre in Denmark. It was designed by CEBRA, a Danish group who have specialized in several kindergarten designs. The building is divided into 6 different sections. Each section is hexagonal in shape, making up the overall shape of a flower. The yellow centre of the daisy is the kindergartens central activity room. Attached to the centre are the petals housing the staff rooms and 6 group rooms 2 in each hexagon. Part iii) The design concept is decisive for the creation of a successful timber structure. We understand design concept to include the architectural idea, the interior layout, and technical measures. An early decision regarding the choice of loadbearing system and the associated conceptual and constructional considerations, together with fire protection and sound insulation plays a key role in the design process. At the same time, the systems for thermal performance, airtightness, and moisture control, the needs of the building services, measures concerning durability, maintenance, and the operation of a building, right up to its end-of-life deconstruction, must all be considered. For design and construction teams it is vital to link the demands of the project with the possibilities and limits of the technical concepts in such a way that a credible whole ensues. The basic timber building systems are: Log construction Timber-frame construction Balloon- and platform-frame construction Panel construction Frame construction Solid timber construction Log construction, timber-frame construction and balloon/platform-frame construction are the traditional forms of timber construction which are a rarity in recent years. With regards new builds, they are mainly found in isolation on a residential scale. The building systems that currently dominate todays market will be dealt with in detail. It is important to state that these systems can be used in combination with one another. For example pre-fabricated panels could be used for a building component such as the walls, alongside solid timber constructed floors.These are: Panel construction Frame construction Solid timber construction Panel Construction The basic idea behind modern panel construction relates to prefabrication in the factory, where various wall, floor and roof assemblies are planned and manufactured as elements to suit different building uses. As was customary with the forerunner to panel construction the platform frame structures built using panel construction are planned, designed, manufactured and erected storey by storey. Panel construction, grew out of balloon-frame and platform- frame forms of construction. The external appearance of buildings designed for this form of construction does not generally conform to the traditional western idea of a timber building. The load-bearing ribs of panel construction are completely concealed, both inside and outside. Facade cladding is usually wood-based board products or solid timber, with good, long-lasting protection in the form of opaque surface treatments. Opaque paint gives very good protection. The only disadvantage with opaque paint is the fact that when the natural colour of wood is covered, it is generally more labour intensive and lengthy to carry out maintenance. This may not be an issue in kindergarten construction as holiday periods are quite long. The VOC of treatments should be kept to a minimum as buildings are becoming increasingly air tight and health risks may amplify with younger children involved. The structural carcass of a building in panel construction is in some locations finished with a thermal insulation composite system (insulation and render). The inner lining of the walls is made up of wood-based board products, gypsum fibreboard, or plasterboard plastered white and then finished with a coat of paint or wallpaper. Sound and fire protection solutions may be an issue (especially for a kindergarten) without the proper detailing. However, once an adequate solution is reached, the repetitive detailing of this form of construction makes designing straightforward. For a kindergarten on site such as Craiglockhart the general consensus for cost purposes would be a single or two storey structure, although multi-storey construction is possible using panel construction. Due to the standardisation of member sections, modular dimensions, connections and construction details, panel construction represents a simple timber building system. Another feature of panel construction is the design freedom which it allows. Internally the spaces can be divided in any manner required. Frame construction The use of modern frame construction in large-volume one and two storey buildings is becoming more and more widespread. This form of construction allows for widely spaced columns in timber or in combination with steel or reinforced concrete. New linear wood-based products and their connection techniques have contributed to this growing importance. Modern frame construction in timber includes primary structural members erected on a widely spaced grid between which the internal and external walls can be positioned as required and constructed using a variety of methods and materials. Therefore frame construction is a method of building in which the functions of load-bearing structure and enclosing walls are clearly separated. Frame Construction is understood to be an independent, modern form of timber construction with the following characteristics: a form of construction comprising columns, beams and bracing elements placed on a regular grid to form a load-bearing structure. This primary structure supports the suspended floors made up of timber joist floors or planar, prefabricated elements which are classed as the secondary structure. The walls enclosing the interior spaces can be installed independently of this load-bearing framework because they do not carry any loads, making large windows and glass facades possible. Wherever possible, the load-bearing structure of a frame building in timber is placed on the inside of the external walls for constructional reasons (protection from the weather and airtightness of the building envelope) and also left exposed internally. The enclosing envelope can therefore be placed around the building without joints or seams. Internally, the arrangement of the load-bearing components determines and emphasizes the architectural character. In frame construction, besides the efficiency, it is first and foremost the architectural diversity and the clarity of the constructional form that is so appealing. This is important as design of a building of this type with the freedom of a large site may result in some extreme suggestions for the building envelope. The use of individual columns in frame construction concentrates the loading. Longer spans are permitted with fewer internal columns than other timber building systems, which leave plenty of freedom for the design of the interior layout. Timber members are generally left exposed in the finished building so the use of glued laminated timber is usually preferred. There are several different forms of timber frame construction which are chosen depending on the loads imposed, the grid and the architectural form of the building. Columns and compound beams This form of construction with columns supporting compound beams has a primary structure consisting of one-part columns and two-part continuous beams, and is frequently used because of its simplicity, which leads to an overall economic solution. Beams and compound columns In this form of construction the one-part beams are connected to the continuous two-part columns by means of mechanical fasteners. Construction using this method is often preferred owing to the architectural design options. Columns and over-sailing beams The simple form of construction with one-part columns and beams is suitable for single-storey flat-roof structures Beams and continuous columns The primary structure of this form of construction consists of continuous columns and main beams designed as simply supported beams spanning between the columns. This system is particularly suitable for structures whose structural frame lies on the inside of the building envelope with the external walls subsequently fixed to the outside of the structural frame so there are no horizontal load-bearing members penetrating the building envelope. Forked columns The primary structure is in the form of a one-part continuous beam supported on storey-height columns. The columns are connected together via the forks. Higher loads can be carried because timber sections carry loads parallel to the grain. Besides clear, preferably simple load paths, the straightforward transfer of loads into components and down to the foundations, plus the bracing of the structure, are key aspects. The flexible nature of this form of construction, along with the use of glued timber members means that it fulfils demands regarding quality and engineering, and makes it an excellent choice for kindergarten construction. Solid timber construction There have been new systems developed in solid timber in recent years. This is mainly due to the introduction of large-format elements into the industry. The components are generally of solid timber which has been glued, dowelled or nailed together. These elements make up the load-bearing core which is at the heart of all solid timber buildings. The thermal insulation is attached to the outside of the structure, and solid timber components absorb moisture from the interior air, store this, and release it again during drier periods. Usually the structure is constructed storey-by-storey; however continuous walls with suspended floors are also possible. Either way solid timber construction offers an efficient load-carrying performance. Early involvement of specialist engineers is essential early in the design stage. There are a number of different systems which are used in solid timber structures. These include: Solid cross-sections Depending on product and manufacturer, we distinguish between single-ply or cross-banded glued, dowelled or nailed, and single- or multiply cross-sections. Softwood (spruce, fir) plies or laminations form the raw materials for these elements; alternatively, the large-format components can be made from wood-based products (particleboard, OSB, etc.). The elements pre-assembled in the factory to form walls complete with the necessary openings for doors and windows, accurate and ready for erection. Suspended floors, too, can be built using the same systems and the same methods, but different forms of construction can be combined in the same structure. Cross-laminated timber Cross-laminated timber consists of several plies of cross-banded glued planks. The raw materials are spruce or fir planks. Assembling these as cross-banded plies produces planar loadbearing elements that can carry loads in both directions with excellent dimensional stability. Edge-fixed timber Edge-fixed timber elements are made up of planks (laminations) placed on edge which are normally continuous, i.e. no joints, over the full length of the element. Finger joints in the length are also possible, therefore making larger element formats possible. Laminations are normally between 20 and 50 mm thick. In order to transfer the shear forces in the transverse direction and to distribute individual loads, the laminations are interconnected with nails or hardwood dowels. Cross-banded and dowelled Dowelled solid timber elements consist of a 60-80 mm thick core of vertical planks to which several plies of softwood planks 20-50 mm thick are attached horizontally, vertically and diagonally on both sides by means of dowels. Owing to the cross-banded, sometimes also diagonal, arrangement of the plies, these elements can help to brace a structure against horizontal loads. Cross-banded spaced plies The elements are made from cross-banded glued boards which are positioned at a certain pitch with gaps in between. This creates coordinated cavities which offer space for building services but also thermal and/or acoustic insulating materials. Such elements are available for walls, suspended floors, and roofs. Part (iv) Prefabrication and industrial production are gaining importance nowadays as they reduce the number of man-hours on site. The definition of prefabrication is the off-site pre-assembly of individual elements to form complete components. In timber construction there is always some form of prefabrication, although modest in most cases. Off-site industrial fabrication on a small or large scale has now enabled timber to become a serious contender for structures on a larger scale such as this. Three basic systems in timber building prevail when trying to maximise the amount of off-site work: panel construction, solid timber construction, and, for larger structures, frame construction. Panel construction allows for enclosed components such as partitions and suspended floors to be pre-fabricated with the loadbearing elements, with the option to include windows, doors and in some cases even building services in a single building module. In contrast with this frame construction has a clear separation between the load-bearing structure and enclosing elements. So the two-dimensional elements for suspended floors, walls, and roof are generally added to the load-bearing structure in a second phase of construction. But as with panel construction, frame construction also permits the whole range from minimum prefabrication right up to the complete incorporation of doors, windows, building services, facade and so on, for the non-load-bearing, enclosing components. The various fabrication or prefabrication stages govern the degree of prefabrication building components have when they leave the works, and how erection on the building site is to be carried out. A high degree of prefabrication could be achieved if the facade construction and facade cladding are also added off-site, and, if necessary, the internal lining is attached. The surface finishes could even be applied; however, this requires a high degree of protection of the components during transport and erection to avoid any damage. The advantages of off-site fabrication for the kindergarten will depend on the technologies available during planning, production, transport, and erection. In recent years the planners and manufacturers prefabricated building components or prefabricated houses have pushed back the boundaries of optimum prefabrication further and further. The building components may be delivered to the building site virtually as complete, finished units, including building services and often the internal furnishings and fittings. Part (v) As with any educational building the cultural benefits to the surrounding area will be very influential. In addition to providing for basic education for children, they serve as social and cultural centres. They are places for sports, theatre, music, and other social, cultural and recreational activities. The cultural benefits of using timber for a kindergarten may be gauged by looking at the building from the childs perspective. When designing a kindergarten the architect must look at the world through the eyes of a child. The architect must consider the scale of the building and how it is perceived by the child. The warmth created by using exposed timber elements throughout the interior of the building would, for instance, create a Good architecture should imply good function as well as good aesthetical and structural design. CULTURAL BENEFIT: Visible timber In addition, the timber sections employed and the board-type wood and gypsum materials used can always be supplied in good quality at short notice. By integrating environmental design issues that are traditionally ignored in contemporary schools, like natural ventilation or daylighting, the school becomes less of an institution and more like a home. are state-regulated square footage requirements. Contemporary school design rarely reflects a desire to create an environment where learning could be encouraged by the building itself. Part (vi) The importance of the environment created by the building form and its use as an educational tool is very important. An example of the building form as an educational tool is the use of a childrens book as a pedagogical feature representing a communication between the childs world and the strange outside world. The imaginary spaces contained

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hybrid Cars: The Slow Drive To Energy Security Essay -- Gasoline Elect

Hybrid Cars: The Slow Drive to Energy Security The hybrid car market is slowly ramping up. In the past five years the number of hybrid sales in the U.S. grew tenfold from 9,500 in 2000 to 100,000 in 2004. By the end of 2005, the number of hybrid cars on American roads will grow to 300,000, represented by about seven or eight hybrid models, including the two-door Honda Insight, which will have sales of about 2,000 in 2005. The increasing sales numbers are encouraging, but must be viewed in the context of the overall car market. The 100,000 hybrid car sales in 2004 represent about one-half of one percent of the 17 million new cars sold this year. If every new hybrid driver effectively (and optimistically) doubled fuel economy from 20 mpg to 40 mpg for 40 miles of daily driving, then a gallon per hybrid car would be saved every single day. That's a whopping 100,000 gallons per day chalked up to hybrid car drivers. But, we've only reduced our daily U.S. consumption from 360 million gallons to 359,900,000 gallons. Market forecasters predict a continued annual doubling of hybrid car sales for the next few years. We could reach the major milestone of one million hybrid cars on American roads somewhere in the 2007 or 2008 timeframe. Again, this is cause for celebration, until you consider that there are approximately 200 million cars in America today—and over 700 million vehicles worldwide. If car numbers keep increasing at the present rate, there will be more than a billion cars and trucks on the road across the world in 20 years. Vehicles are now driven two trillion miles each year in the U.S., and there are more cars than adults. Nevertheless, with the proven success of the Toyota Prius, which won every possible accolade... ...nsumers of hybrid cars have demonstrated, with their pocketbooks, their commitment to reducing oil dependency. In marketing lingo, they are considered â€Å"influencers† — the segment which is more educated, more affluent, and older — and which shapes the buying decisions of the rest of America. Hybrid owners sit behind the wheel of their hybrid everyday, and wonder what more they could do. Unfortunately, hybrid drivers and alternative energy supporters are now splintered and their efforts are diffuse. In order to put enough pressure on the automakers to stop resisting the change that must come, is trying to galvanize hybrid drivers and develop partnerships with advocacy groups to develop the most effective strategies for promoting greater fuel efficiency in our cars and trucks. The environment, the economy, and our national security hang in the balance.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hatchet Essay -- essays research papers

This book is written by Gary Paulsen. It takes place in the Canadian wilderness, where Brian Robeson’s, who is 13 yrs. Old, plane crashes. Brian shows a lot of determination and strength, to be able to survive in the wilderness, with no one else. The story starts out with Brian in the city, he lives with his mother, who is divorced. His mother gives him a gift before he leaves and it is a hatchet that fits on his belt so Brian puts it there. Brian meets the pilot and he is a nice man. Brian and the pilot get ready to leave and then Brian remembers that he saw a man kissing his mom but he does not let it bother him. Brian leaves and after an hour or so, the pilot was yelling and screaming that his chest hurts. He had a heart attack and died. Now Brian had to fly the plane on his own. Brian picked up the CB radio and called for help. He made contact with a man and Brian told him that the pilot had a heart attack and died and that he did not know how to fly a plane. Brian did not get an answer. Brian is flying to Alaska to visit his dad for the summer when suddenly the pilot has a heart attack and dies. He grabs onto the controls and tries to land the plane but there's no flat area so he decides to crash into a lake. He hustles out of the plane with his hatchet at his side and swims to the shore. He has to use the natural resources and his brain. Brian uses his hatchet to make a shelter and weapons. He chops down branches and sets them up for his shelter. "With the branch...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Analysis of the General Environment Factors

Market Size and growth rate: Market size of the industry is 40 billon and the industry has been growing at the rate 20% during the period 2000-08. The industry is currently in the rapid growth and takeoff phase since many innovations are coming up and the industry is being attracted by many big corporate to enter in. Number of rivals: The industry is divided into two sub segments: routine tests and specialised tests. In routine test segment, the industry is fragmented into many small companies at the local and regional level. In specialised test segment, the industry is dominated by few large companies such as Piramal, SRL Ranbaxy, etc. Since there is low cost associated with setting up labs at local level and the industry has bright future prospects so it is attracting large number of local companies and also big corporate to enter the market. Scope of competitive rivalry: Most companies in this industry compete at local geographic area since there is less cost associated with setting up the labs in local areas and hence it is easy for local players to enter in the market. Moreover, routine market comprises of 61% of the total market share which includes large number of small players and hence the competition is fierce at local level. Also, companies present globally have competitive advantage in terms of high end technology since it requires large investments which is not afforded by small players. Therefore looking at the long term perspective, globalisation is conducive for the increase in bottom line. Number of buyers: There are two types of buyers: doctors and patients. But most patients visit diagnostic centres only on the recommendation of doctors. Therefore referring doctors enjoy discretionary power to refer the patients to any diagnostic centre. Also the number of local diagnostic centres are many and doctors refer the patients where they have tie up and one which provide them better incentives. Therefore doctors enjoy high bargaining power. But specialized test centres are very few so they have significant bargaining power. Degree of product differentiation: Routine segment is characterized by low product differentiation because routine tests include simple tests like blood test, sugar test, etc. hich does not need much technical competency. And since there are large number of players in this segment and there is low product differentiation, this has led to intense competition and low profitability. Whereas, specialized segment is characterized by presence of economies of scale so there is high product differentiation in terms of technology, modus operandi. Also, this segment is capital intensive therefore it has fewer numb er of players. Product innovation: The industry is characterized by rapid product innovation, for example, introduction of genome studies, molecular diagnostics and so on. As the methods of diagnosis are becoming more sensitive and specific, it is leading to rapid obsolescence of old technology. Also there are opportunities to overtake rivals by being first to market with next generation products like Tele-Radiology, Tele Pathology. Supply/demand conditions: Also as there are large number of players in routine segment, there is intense rivalry at local level. This rivalry has resulted in price wars. In specialized segment, which comprises of national players, there is moderate rivalry since players compete in same markets and market potential is high. Pace of technological change: As mentioned earlier, industry is marked with rapid change in technology and, methods of diagnosis. Rapidly advancement of technology in the methods of diagnosis and equipments is leading to rapid obsolescence of old technology. Most diagnostic centres need new technology with a need to replace equipments every six months which is not financially viable for most of the centres. Vertical integration: Most competitors operate only in one segment that is diagnosis. But some competitors like Piramal operate in multiple stages, for example it operates through B2C (Business to customer), D2C (Doctor to customer), B2B (Business to Business) modes. Economies of Scale: The industry is characterized by economies of scale. But in routine segment, despite of the presence of economies of scale, none of the players has able to achieve high end volumes, due to intense competition and absence of government policies for restricting the entry of newer players, in order to gain substantial cost advantage. Specialized segment is also characterized by significant economies of scale.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Factors that influence an individual’s self-concept Essay

P3: State factors that influence an individual’s self-concept M2: Outline how factors can influence the development of an individual’s self-concept Sharon is a 17 year old girl at the stage of adolescence, to add on to that she’s also a single mother of two children. Throughout her life she has had to grow up more than others as she has a family of her own to look after as well as her educational life which will determine how her future will turn out later. In this assignment I will state as well as outline factors that can influence the development of Sharon’s self-concept. Before I continue I will be discussing self-concept, self-esteem and self-image in terms of Sharon. Self-concept is how Sharon views herself in terms of her strengths and weaknesses; self-concept is what she thinks of herself as†¦ While self-esteem is how much Sharon values herself, in other words if Sharon had a high self-esteem she would be more likely to believe herself as an extremely likeable person. Lastly, self-image is basically the overall image Sharon has of herself, what she believes her own image portrays. Read more:  Influences that affect children’s development essay Age: Especially at the stage of adolescence, girls like Sharon tend to be extremely self-aware of their own image and how they portray themselves towards the public. This is because as Sharon gets older, she’s more likely to care about how other people think of her. Age influences Sharon’s self-concept because as she gets older she’ll tend to behave in a certain way when she thinks she doesn’t belong anywhere, to be able to fit into everybody’s standards. As Sharon gets older, she’s more likely to develop her own self-image however peer pressure will prevent her from doing that as she will feel more pressured into fitting in and more fearful of being rejected by the majority. Appearance: Appearance is a big influence on Sharon’s self-concept, as appearance also affects your self-image as well as self-esteem. During the stage of adolescence, teenagers like Sharon tend to be more critical to themselves more therefore their way of judging tends to be more harsh; depending on  Sharon’s judgment of herself it’s more likely that she will either have higher self-esteem or lower self-esteem: this is because at this stage teenagers like Sharon tend to seek out their insecurities more and are less likely to point out their strengths since they are more focused on trying to fit in†¦And these days teenage girls care more about being physically perfect and trying climb up the social ladder that they sometimes forget about their own unique qualities and try to forge a completely whole image which fits completely into society’s standards. However looking back at Sharon’s past, it’s more likely that she’s to have a more negativ e self-concept, self-image as well as self-esteem as not only has she given birth once but twice and pregnancies can cause physical side effects such as stretch marks; now adding on to the stress Sharon has to face from trying to fit in she also has to face the physical side effects of giving birth which can cause her self-esteem to deflate which will overall affect her self-image. Gender: Gender influences Sharon’s self-concept because Sharon depending on how she’s been brought up may act upon society’s expectations towards male and female. When it comes to females, they are expected to be more of the submissive type that tend to do the domestic tasks around the house and do jobs related to health care more than physically strenuous jobs. Unlike males who are suspected to be more dominant, strong and more into jobs which doesn’t require emotional involvement but more of physical and intellectual involvement. When it comes to gender’s influences to Sharon’s self-concept, she will tend to stray away from doing physically strenuous activities as a girl she’s not expected to be strong and fit like boys but fragile and slender because it suits society’s overview on femininity. Overall adolescents like Sharon will feel more pressured in trying to fit into their gender roles. Culture: Culture affects our self-concept because it could change Sharon’s values and views of herself depending on what kind of culture she grew up into. Culture teaches Sharon a lot about how to do things such as what kind of clothes to  wear, how to react in different situations, and what food she should be eating; in other words it encourages Sharon to have different views and improves her self-concept depending on what kind of culture we grew up into. Culture mostly influences positive self-concept as culture is mostly not aimed to degrade our self-image but to improve our overall views on ourselves by gaining confidence and learning how to do and view things in a certain way. For Sharon since it seems that she hasn’t moved around much then it means that she’s been able to fit in to her culture quite well, and may not have much difficulty making herself accustom to other people’s culture; the way they were brought up. Culture affects self-concept because self-concept involves things such as how clever you are, and the approach to education is something that’s viewed differently from culture to culture. The Asian culture might be more uptight and committed to education, in contrast to the Western culture’s less uptight but nonetheless committed approach to education. The downside of culture is that if Sharon was to find her culture and another person’s culture clashing together then it could cause a negative influence towards her self-concept as this could mean that they won’t have the same views or attitudes to certain things, which could cause Sharon’s overall performance to a disadvantage as it’ll make her more self-conscious and less confident in the way she has been brought up as well as feel anxious as she might not be able to get her views across easily. Income: Income influences Sharon’s self-concept because depending on how much income Sharon or her mother’s income might be it might change her views towards money and expenditure as well as values towards other factors such as education because education usually is the key to a better occupation which could lead to higher income. Especially when Sharon’s a young single mother with most likely no high income at all, she’s forced to sacrifice some of her own self-indulgences to be able to provide for her children as well as aid in monthly bills with Janet as Janet can’t always provide financial security for her family. Due to Sharon’s current situation she’s more likely to have a negative self-concept, she will often find life more difficult and find less enjoyment out of trying to maintain enough income to fend for her  family as this will reduce Sharon’s time for herself as well as time to hang out with her friends and family. However since Sharon not only gave birth to Aimee but Fergal, this could indicate that there are positive influences to income when it comes to Sharon’s situation as this could mean Sharon’s willing to cope with the problems of being a single mother and try to be successful at it, meaning she must have a higher self-esteem to be able to have a high motivation. Media: Media plays an important role in influencing Sharon’s self-concept, media tends to encourage adolescents such as Sharon to come up with unrealistic ideals. This could cause Sharon to go through extreme measures such as dieting to get the perfect body, as well as completely change how she behaves because she might not be portraying the feminine image girls should have. The media tends to exaggerate flaws out of people that adolescents like Sharon feel the need to change due to the growing feeling of insecurity about their own qualities which causes low self-esteem and self-image; because of this Sharon may feel tempted to compare herself with friends and other people and be increasingly self-aware of other people’s opinions. Depending on how much self-esteem Sharon has towards her self-image she’s more likely to change her self-concept in order to meet the unrealistic norms the media has brought out from trying to maintain consistency with the idea of perfection. Education: Education affects Sharon’s self-concept because education is a gateway to Sharon’s overall financial outcome as well as lifestyle in the future; it also gives Sharon the ability to choose. However since Sharon’s a single mother education would have to be postponed as her life now revolves around her two children: Aimee and Fergal. Since Sharon’s at the age of 17 she’s still in progress of acquiring her qualifications, doing her A-levels then going to University. Unfortunately her current situation will prevent her from working to the best of her ability, this may affect her self-concept as  she’ll be less motivated to study and learn. She may also lack self-esteem because she might not be able to understand what’s going on in her lessons and what needs to be done. Her teachers might start to discourage her from continuing the courses she does due to bad grades and overall her self-concept will change negatively. Being a mother at the age of 17 is hard to hide, in such a big environment such as school and being pregnant at such a young age can be looked down upon which could cause Sharon to get bullied at school. Bullying is a dilemma that people have always tried to prevent but it still goes on today, it could cause a lot of damage to a person’s self-concept especially Sharon’s. Environment: Sharon’s financial status may prevent her and her family to live in a peaceful environment where pollution and violence is rarely an occurrence. This will affect her self-concept as Sharon will start to compare her situation with others that may have a better lifestyle bringing her self-esteem and self-image down. With her current situation she’s more likely to be living in a more polluted environment, meaning the environment she’s living in would be uncontained and unclean. This will be a potentially damaging environment for her children’s health thus affecting her self-concept negatively. Socialisation: When it comes to socialisation Sharon’s lifestyle will affect her greatly, as she’s a busy mother who would have to prioritise her children first before personal indulgences. This will affect her self-concept and self-image because she will have less time to hang out with her friends and socialise as well as even have enough time to take care of herself or go shopping. Sharon’s self-confidence will also decrease drastically as she compares her friends’ social life with hers, because Sharon already has a family while her friends are still at their adolescence stage having lots of freedom and less responsibilities to take.